Submissions from 2008
The Bologna Process and German Legal Education: Developing Professional Competence through Clinical Experiences, William A. Woodruff and Andreas Bucker
Submissions from 2007
A Primer on Electronic Contracting and Transactions in North Carolina, Richard A. Lord
Submissions from 2006
Austin's Intentions: A Critical Reconstruction of His Concept of Legal Science, Richard T. Bowser and J. Stanley McQuade
Rambo Depositions Revisited: Controlling Attorney-Client Consultations During Depositions, Jean M. Cary
Forming a Tie that Binds: Development Agreements in Georgia and the Need for Legislative Clarity, Michael B. Kent Jr.
The At-Will Relationship in the 21st Century: A Consideration of Consideration, Richard A. Lord
God's Bridle: John Calvin's Application of Natural Law, C. Scott Pryor
Submissions from 2005
Wise v. Harrington Grove Community Association, Inc.: A Pickwickian Critique, Patrick K. Hetrick
The Contract Drafting Process: Integrating Contract Drafting in a Simulated Law Practice, Charles C. Lewis
Marketing Natural Law: An Over-Debated and Undersold Product, J. Stanley McQuade and Richard T. Bowser
Consideration in the Common Law of Contracts: A Biblical-Theological Critique, C. Scott Pryor
Puritan Revolution and the Law of Contracts, C. Scott Pryor and Glenn M. Hoshauer
The Admissibility of Expert Testimony in North Carolina after Howerton: Reconciling the Ruling with the Rules of Evidence, William A. Woodruff
Pimzy Whimsy in the Eleventh Circuit: Reflections on IN RE ALPHATECH SYSTEMS, INC., Timothy R. Zinnecker
When A Hundred Grand Just Isn’t Enough: 50 Hypotheticals that Explore the Contours of FDIC Deposit Insurance Coverage, Timothy R. Zinnecker
Submissions from 2003
Qualified Immunity in the Eleventh Circuit After Hope v. Pelzer, Michael B. Kent Jr.
Having Thought About Private Matters: The Federal Court's Initial Response, J. Rich Leonard
Protectia Marcilor de Produse si Servicii Fata de Inregistrarile Abuzive ca Nume de Domenii, Raluca Papadima
Rock, Scissors, Paper: ERISA, The Bankruptcy Code and State Exemption Laws for Individual Retirement Accounts, C. Scott Pryor
Submissions from 2002
Products Liability - Emerging Consensus and Persisting Problems: An Analytical Review Presenting Some Options, Dr. J. Stanley McQuade
Resolving Priority Disputes Between the IRS and the Secured Creditor Under Revised UCC Article 9: And the Winner is ...?, Timothy R. Zinnecker
Submissions from 2001
Legislative Kudzu and the New Millennium: An Opportunity for Reflection and Reform, Patrick K. Hetrick
The Eggshell Skull Rule and Related Problems in Recovery for Mental Harm in the Law of Torts, Dr. J. Stanley McQuade
How Revised Article 9 Will Turn the Trustee's Strong-Arm Into a Weak Finger: A Potpourri of Cases, C. Scott Pryor
Extending Enforcement Rights to Assignees of Lost, Destroyed, or Stolen Negotiable Instruments Under U.C.C. Article 3: A Proposal for Reform, Timothy R. Zinnecker
Submissions from 2000
Mission Possible: A Paradigm for Analysis of Contractual Impossibility at Regent University, C. Scott Pryor
Submissions from 1999
Of "Private Governments" and the Regulation of Neighborhoods: The North Carolina Planned Community Act, Patrick K. Hetrick
Daubert, Doctors and Differential Diagnosis: Treating Medical Causation Testimony as Evidence, Michael B. Kent Jr.
The Court Giveth and Congress Taketh Away: Statutory Preemption and the Federal Common Law D'Oench Doctrine, Michael B. Kent Jr.
Revised Uniform Commercial Code Article 9: Impact in Bankruptcy, C. Scott Pryor
The Default Provisions of Revised Article 9 of the Uniform Commercial Code: Part I, Timothy R. Zinnecker
The Default Provisions of Revised Article 9 of the Uniform Commercial Code: Part II, Timothy R. Zinnecker
Submissions from 1998
Teaching Ethics and Professionalism in Litigation: Some Thoughts, Jean M. Cary
Retaliation Claims under Title VII, the ADEA, and the ADA: Untouchable Employees, Uncertain Employers, Unresolved Courts, Melissa A. Essary and Terence D. Friedman
Contractual Good Faith: Variations on the Theme of Expectations, C. Scott Pryor
United States Federal Trade Commission: Organization, Jurisdiction, and Procedure (in German), Matthew W. Sawchak and Christoph Ann
A Literalist Proposes Four Modest Revisions to UCC Article 3, Timothy R. Zinnecker
Submissions from 1997
A Matter of Interpretation: Federal Courts and the Law, Richard T. Bowser
Are "Green River" Ordinances Constitutional Under the First Amendment?, Lisa Lukasik
Must Public Schools Accept Home-Schooled Students on a Part-time Basis?, Lisa Lukasik
Purchase Money Security Interests in the Preference Zone: Questions Answered and Questions Raised by the 1994 Amendments to Bankruptcy Code § 547, Timothy R. Zinnecker
Submissions from 1996
Rambo Depositions: Controlling an Ethical Cancer in Civil Litigation, Jean M. Cary
The Latest Home Education Challenge: The Relationship Between Home Schools and Public Schools, Lisa Lukasik
Ancient Legal Maxims and Modern Human Rights, Dr. J. Stanley McQuade
When Worlds Collide: Resolving Priority Disputes Between the IRS and the Article Nine Secured Creditor, Timothy R. Zinnecker
Submissions from 1995
A Christian Law School: Images and Vision, Lynn R. Buzzard
Religiously Affiliated Law Schools: Macro-dynamics in Contemporary Culture, Lynn R. Buzzard
Procrustean Jurisprudence: Squeezing Legal Philosophy Into an Already Crowded Law School Curriculum, J. Stanley McQuade
A Reply to Professor Koppelman, William A. Woodruff
Homosexuality and Military Service: Legislation, Implementation, and Litigation, William A. Woodruff
Gays in the Military: What about Morality, Ethics, Character and Honor, William A. Woodruff, Arthur A. Murphy, and Leslie M. MacRae
Submissions from 1994
The Dismantling of McDonnell Douglas v. Green: The High Court Muddies the Evidentiary Waters in Circumstantial Discrimination Cases, Melissa A. Essary
When Government Speaks Religiously, E. Gregory Wallace
Lawyers Who Draft and Negotiate Guaranties (and the Clients Who Love Them), Timothy R. Zinnecker
Submissions from 1993
Medieval ‘Ratio’ and Modern Formal Studies: A Reconsideration of Coke’s Dictum That Law Is the Perfection of Reason, J. Stanley McQuade
Submissions from 1992
Legal Issues Related to Extracurricular Activities, Jean M. Cary
Submissions from 1991
Title IX: Sex Discrimination in Public Elementary and Secondary Schools, Jean M. Cary
A North Carolina Preview of the Revised (1990) Article 3 of the Uniform Commercial Code, Charles C. Lewis
Lender Liability Under CERCLA and the Fleet-ing Protection of the Secured Creditor Exemption, Timothy R. Zinnecker
Submissions from 1990
North Carolina's Uniform Premarital Agreement Act: A Contract Perspective, Richard A. Lord
Beyond Neutrality: Equal Access and the Meaning of Religious Freedom, E. Gregory Wallace
Submissions from 1989
Letting Life Run Its Course: Do-Not-Resusciate Orders and Withdrawal of Life-Sustaining Treatment, William A. Woodruff
Submissions from 1988
The Department of Defense’s Role in Free-World Export Licensing Under the Export Administration Act, Matthew W. Sawchak
Constitutional Law - Freedom of Speech - Ban on Picketing in Front of Individual Residence Does Not Violate First Amendment, E. Gregory Wallace
Submissions from 1987
Scarlet Letter Lawsuits: Private Affairs and Public Judgments, Lynn Buzzard
Ancient Legal Maxims and Modern Human Rights, J. Stanley McQuade
The Confidentiality of Medical Quality Assurance Records, William A. Woodruff
Submissions from 1986
The Holder of UCC 3-407(2)(a) and the Windfall Discharge, Charles C. Lewis
Problems in the Use of Trust for Funding Private Annuities, Robert O. Loftis Jr.
Submissions from 1985
The Legal History of Safekeeping and Safe Deposit Activities in the United States, Richard A. Lord
Classification of Unsecured Claims in Chapter 13 of the Bankruptcy Reform Act of 1978: What is Fair?, James B. McLaughlin Jr. and Robert W. Nelms
Corporate Vicarious Liability for Punitive Damages, Timothy R. Zinnecker
Submissions from 1984
Lien Avoidance by Debtors in Chapter 13 of the Bankruptcy Act of 1978, James B. McLaughlin Jr.
Submissions from 1983
The Evangelical Rediscovery of Law and Politics, Lynn Buzzard
Wich v. Fleming: The Dilemma of a Harmless Defect in a Will, Melissa Essary
The Legal Relationship Between the Bank and its Safe Deposit Customer, Richard A. Lord
Submissions from 1982
The Omnibus Clause of U.C.C. Section 4-303(1)(d): A Holder's Sword or a Payor's Shield?, Charles C. Lewis
Submissions from 1980
A Biblical Theology of Power, Lynn R. Buzzard
Some Thoughts About Warranty Law: Express and Implied Warranties, Richard A. Lord
Submissions from 1979
The Rule in Ginyard's Case: Congressional Intent or Judicial Field Expedient?, William A. Woodruff