Submissions from 2025
Public Trials and Plain Error, Krista D. Bordatto and Stephen E. Smith
Tied Together with Covenants: Tying Provisions as the Anti-Hero to FDIC Insurance Limits, Kelly W. Cline
Empirically Testing the "Unbiased Factfinder[s]", Chris Cox
In Support of Free Speech on Food Production, Nicole Ligon
The Case against the Business Case for Gender Quotas on Boards of Public Companies, Raluca Papadima
Submissions from 2024
When Commanders Decide: Military Prosecutorial Decision-Making in Sexual Assault Cases, Chris Cox
Overview of Diversity Imbalance on Boards of European and American Listed Companies and Possible Remedies, Raluca Papadima
Submissions from 2023
After All This Time: An Analysis of the Recent Trend to Extend Truth-in-Lending-Style Disclosures to Commercial-Financing Transactions, Kelly W. Cline
Theseus in the Labyrinth: How State Constitutions Can Slay the Procedural Minotaur, Marcus Alexander Gadson
Submissions from 2022
How Do You Value a Victim? Victim Impact Statements in Military Sexual Assault Trials, Chris Cox
Bostock: A Clean Cut into the Gordian Knot of Causation, Melissa Essary
Federal Pleadings Standards in State Court, Marcus Gadson
Censorship of Sexual Assault Survivors in the Educational Context, Nicole Ligon
Compelling Code, Nicole Ligon
Codes and Model Laws: A EU-US Comparison of Their Role in Shaping Company Law, Raluca Papadima
How Hard Is Soft EU Company Law?, Raluca Papadima
Submissions from 2021
State Constitutions and Summary Judgment, Marcus Gadson
Time to Reconcile, Marcus Gadson
Stolen Plausibility, Marcus Alexander Gadson
Hitting the Trip-Wire: When Does a Company Become a “Marijuana Business”?, Lauren A. Newell
The Uncertain Fate of Asymmetrical Dispute Resolution Clauses in Arbitration around the Globe: To Be or Not to Be, Raluca Papadima
Submissions from 2020
Biographical Sketches and Bibliographies of the First African Americans on the North Carolina Bench, Adrienne DeWitt
Protecting Women's Voices: Preventing Retaliatory Defamation Claims in the #MeToo Context, Nicole Ligon
High Crimes: Liability for Directors of Retail Marijuana Corporations, Lauren Newell
The University of Bucharest Contributes to the Promotion of Arbitration in Romania, Raluca Papadima, Maria Avram, and Mihaela Gherghe
Differential Treatment Among Creditors Under India's Insolvency and Bankruptcy Code, 2016: Issues and Solutions, C. Scott Pryor and Risham Garg
"Assault Weapon" Lethality, E. Gregory Wallace
Nine Questions for the Article 9 Professor, Timothy R. Zinnecker
Submissions from 2019
State Constitutional Provisions Allowing Juries to Interpret the Law Are Not As Crazy As They Sound, Marcus Alexander Gadson
Chief Justice Marshall in Raleigh: The Untold Story, J. Rich Leonard
Who Tells Your Story: The Legality of an Shift in Racial Preferences within Casting Practices, Nicole Ligon
Rebooting Empathy for the Digital Generation Lawyer, Lauren A. Newell
Submissions from 2018
Constitutionalizing Rehabilitation Did Not Work: Lessons from Indiana And Oregon And A Way Forward, Marcus Alexander Gadson
Intellectual Property Channeling for Digital Works, Lucas S. Osborn
"Assault Weapon" Myths, E. Gregory Wallace
Submissions from 2017
Do It in the Sunshine: A Comparative Analysis of Rulemaking Procedures and Transparency Practices of Lawyer-Licensing Entities, Bobbi Jo Boyd
Embracing Our Public Purpose: A Value-Based Lawyer-Licensing Model, Bobbi Jo Boyd
A Plea to North Carolina: Bring Fairness to the Assessment of Civil Battery Liability for Defendants with Cognitive Disabilities, Johnny C. Chriscoe
Murder for Life Insurance Money: Protecting the Children, Johnny C. Chriscoe
Demystifying the Qualified Payment Right: Structuring and Administering a Sec. 2701-Compliant Entity, John F. DeStefano
Public Pension Reform and the Takings Clause, Michael B. Kent Jr.
Up in Smoke? Unintended Consequences of Retail Marijuana Laws for Partnerships, Lauren A. Newell
Reevaluating Intellectual Property Law in a 3D Printing Era., Lucas S. Osborn
The Limits of Creativity in Copyright: Digital Manufacturing Files and Lockout Codes, Lucas S. Osborn
Trademark Boundaries and 3D Printing, Lucas S. Osborn
Trademarks and Digital Goods, Lucas S. Osborn and Mark P. McKenna
Nine Into Eleven: Accounting for Common Interest Communities in Bankruptcy, C. Scott Pryor
The Law Is What It Is, But Is It Equitable: The Law of Encroachments Where the Innocent, Negligent, and Willful Are Treated the Same, Olivia L. Weeks
Submissions from 2016
Mapping Inter-Organizational Boundary Bureaucracy and the Need for Oversight, Bobbi Jo Boyd
Viewing the Supreme Court's Exactions Cases Through the Prism of Anti-Evasion, Michael B. Kent Jr.
Special-Education Litigation: An Empirical Analysis of North Carolina's First Tier, Lisa Lukasik
Shareholder Exit Signs on American and European Highways: Under Construction, Raluca Papadima, Mihaela Gherghe, and Radu Valeanu
Submissions from 2015
Re-examining Reasonableness: Negligence Liability in Adult Defendants with Cognitive Disabilities, Johnny Chriscoe and Lisa Lukasik
Judicial Doctrine as Risk Regulation, Michael B. Kent Jr. and Brannon P. Denning
Restructure and Reform: Products-Liability Law in North Carolina, J. Stanley McQuade and Olivia L. Weeks
Redefining Attention (and Revamping the Legal Profession?) for the Digital Generation, Lauren A. Newell
Digital Patent Infringement in an Era of 3D Printing, Lucas S. Osborn and Timothy R. Holbrook
A Case for Weakening Patent Rights, Lucas S. Osborn, Joshua M. Pearce, and Amberlee Haselhuhn
Making Space For Good Things To Happen: A Restorative Approach To The School To Prison Pipeline, Jon Powell
Who Pays the Price: The Necessity of Taxpayer Participation in Chapter 9, C. Scott Pryor
Who Bears the Burden? The Place for Participation of Municipal Residents in Chapter 9, C. Scott Pryor
Submissions from 2014
State Preemption of Local Land Use Ordinances and North Carolina's "Fracking" Legislation, Michael B. Kent Jr.
Weakening the “Ripeness Trap” for Federal Takings Claims: Sansotta v. Town of Nags Head and Town of Nags Head v. Toloczko, Michael B. Kent Jr.
Anti-Anti-Evasion in Constitutional Law, Michael B. Kent Jr. and Brannon P. Denning
Of PhDs, Pirates and the Public: Three-Dimensional Printing Technology and the Arts, Lucas S. Osborn
Regulating Three-Dimensional Printing: The Converging Worlds of Bits and Atoms, Lucas S. Osborn
Ripple Effects in the Law: The Broadening Meaning of an "Offer to Sell" in Patent Law, Lucas S. Osborn
Municipal Bankruptcy: When Doing Less is Best, C. Scott Pryor
Refining Per Se Unfair Trade Practices, Matthew W. Sawchak
Evidence of Lies and Rules of Evidence: The Admissibility of fMRI-Based Expert Opinion of Witness Truthfulness, William A. Woodruff
Submissions from 2013
Reevaluating the Importance of Civics Education, Marcus Alexander Gadson
Mickey Goes to France: A Case Study of the Euro Disneyland Negotiations, Lauren A. Newell
The Leaky Common Law: An "Offer to Sell" as a Policy Tool in Patent Law and Beyond, Lucas S. Osborn
Third Time's the Charm: The Coming Impact of the Restatement (Third) Restitution and Unjust Enrichment in Bankruptcy, C. Scott Pryor
The Sky Didn’t Fall: The Meaning and Legal Effects of the North Carolina Marriage Amendment, E. Gregory Wallace
Submissions from 2012
Breaking Up is Hard To Do: North Carolina Refuses to End its Relationship with Heart Balm Torts, Jean M. Cary and Sharon Scudder
Anti-Evasion Doctrines in Constitutional Law, Michael B. Kent Jr. and Brannon P. Denning
Deconstructing a Decade of Charter School Funding Litigation: An Argument for Reform, Lisa Lukasik
Happiness at the House of Mouse: How Disney Negotiates to Create the “Happiest Place on Earth”, Lauren A. Newell
Defining Unfairness in "Unfair Trade Practices", Matthew W. Sawchak and Kip D. Nelson
Submissions from 2011
More Questions Than Answers: Situating Judicial Takings Within Existing Regulatory Takings Doctrine, Michael B. Kent Jr.
The World of Deadwood: Property Rights and the Search for Human Identity, Michael B. Kent Jr.
Instrumentalism at the Federal Circuit, Lucas S. Osborn
Looking for Bedrock: Accounting for Human Rights in Classical Liberalism, Modern Secularism, and the Christian Tradition, C. Scott Pryor
Submissions from 2010
Theoretical Tension and Doctrinal Discord: Analyzing Development Impact Fees as Takings, Michael B. Kent Jr.
Clear Rules Still Produce Fuzzy Results: Impossibility in Indian Contract Law, C. Scott Pryor
Syllogisms, Enthymemes, and Fallacies: Mastering Secured Transactions Through Deductive Reasoning, Timothy R. Zinnecker
Submissions from 2009
Confessions of a Dean: Barriers and Breakthroughs to Communication, Melissa A. Essary
From “Preferred Position” to “Poor Relation:” History, Wilkie v. Robbins, and the Status of Property Rights Under the Takings Clause, Michael B. Kent Jr.
Pavesich, Property and Privacy: The Common Origins of Property Rights and Privacy Rights, Michael B. Kent Jr.
Public Utilities, Eminent Domain, and Local Land Use Regulations: Has Texas Found the Proper Balance?, Michael B. Kent Jr.
Principled Pluralism and Contract Remedies, C. Scott Pryor
Justifying Religious Freedom: The Western Tradition, E. Gregory Wallace
Socrates, Syllogisms, and Sadistic Transactions: Challenges to Mastering U.C.C. Article 9 Through Deductive Reasoning, Timothy R. Zinnecker
Submissions from 2008
Drafting Common Interest Community Documents: Minimalism in an Era of Micromanagement, Patrick K. Hetrick
The Quest to Achieve True “Top Quartile” Status: Creating and Sustaining an Affirming Law School Community, Patrick K. Hetrick
Construing the Canon: An Exegesis of Regulatory Takings Jurisprudence After Lingle v. Chevron, Michael B. Kent Jr.
Tax Strategy Patents: Why the Tax Community Should not Exclude the Patent System, Lucas Osborn
The Missing Piece of the Puzzle: Perspectives on the Wage Priority in Bankruptcy, C. Scott Pryor