Event Title

Practice Panel #2: Immigration Law and North Carolina Practice

Start Date

16-2-2007 1:50 PM

End Date

16-2-2007 3:20 PM


Divisibility of Criminal Statutes - Michael Vastine

What Constitutes a Crime of Moral Turpitude? - C. Lynn Calder & George Miller

Immigration Issues Affecting Representation of Individuals in Personal Injury and Workers’ Compensation Claims - Gabriel F. Jiménez

Immigration and North Carolina Courts: A View from the Bench - The Honorable Ann Marie Calabria

The Use of Unfair Business Practice and Competition Statutes to Deter Employers From Hiring Illegal Immigrants: A Look at the Possibilities Under N.C. Gen. Stat. § 75-1.1 - Dr. Saby Ghoshray,

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Feb 16th, 1:50 PM Feb 16th, 3:20 PM

Practice Panel #2: Immigration Law and North Carolina Practice

Divisibility of Criminal Statutes - Michael Vastine

What Constitutes a Crime of Moral Turpitude? - C. Lynn Calder & George Miller

Immigration Issues Affecting Representation of Individuals in Personal Injury and Workers’ Compensation Claims - Gabriel F. Jiménez

Immigration and North Carolina Courts: A View from the Bench - The Honorable Ann Marie Calabria

The Use of Unfair Business Practice and Competition Statutes to Deter Employers From Hiring Illegal Immigrants: A Look at the Possibilities Under N.C. Gen. Stat. § 75-1.1 - Dr. Saby Ghoshray,